• Question: do you think its a good thing that the world is going digital and do you agree with the idea of us just becoming computer chips/AI and simply just be able to reboot yourself or even never age?

    Asked by anon-40047 on 9 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 9 Nov 2022:

      I don’t think it’s going to happen, and I won’t like to become a computer chip and being immortal. I don’t think it’s a good thing because if you are immortal then your life don’t have any meaning you will be passive and not doing things that give a sense to your life.

    • Photo: Ingmar Schoen

      Ingmar Schoen answered on 9 Nov 2022:

      I love my wrinkles, so I prefer to remain analog. I think my wife agrees on that. I enjoy interacting with people in person more than through computers. I don’t know what the future will bring but I think mankind would loose some of its humanity if we all were to become a delocalised fizz of energy in electrical circuits.

    • Photo: Vanessa Rodrigues

      Vanessa Rodrigues answered on 9 Nov 2022:

      Going digital is a necessary evil. As much as it can uncomplicate some life choices like say, for example, autonomous driving, it can be misused. We are still a long long way off from getting uploaded into immortality. I am still waiting to see a fully functional Star Trek style teleportation chamber, an idea from several decades ago.

      At present, I can’t imagine anyone being rewritten to a binary code of 10110010….

    • Photo: Ciara Buckley

      Ciara Buckley answered on 23 Nov 2022:

      I think going digital is necessary to a degree, but humans are social creatures by nature. I don’t think we would ever sacrifice human interaction to go completely digital!
