• Question: How many electrons has got a water mollecula

    Asked by anon-39917 on 8 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 8 Nov 2022:

      1 for each H and 8 for the O, so 10 in total but water is not electrically charged, electrons are compensated by the proton.

    • Photo: Lyndsey Moore

      Lyndsey Moore answered on 8 Nov 2022:

      Vincent’s answer sums this up nicely!

    • Photo: Ingmar Schoen

      Ingmar Schoen answered on 9 Nov 2022:

      “Then shalt thou count to ten, no more, no less. Ten shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be ten. Eleven shalt thou not count, neither count thou nine, excepting that thou then proceed to ten. Twelve is right out.”

    • Photo: Anna Desmond

      Anna Desmond answered on 9 Nov 2022:

      A water molecule (H20) has than 10 electrons in total. 1 electron from each of the 2 hydrogen atoms (H) and 8 electrons from the oxygen atom. Water molecule is neutral since it has the same number of electrons and protons.
