I learnt how to use LASERs for different applications. You have described three.
The first one was where I used a technique called Laser direct writing to fabricate a lens design. What you usually use in your school science lab is a big curved glass that can focus light. My design is flat and is engraved in glass using pulsed laser light.
The second one was where we use very high power pulsed laser light to collide on a gas target and it generated electrons. The fourth state of matter (Plasma) is created in this process and it accelerates the electrons. This is part of particle physics and I helped with engineering optics/ electronics to make this happen.
The last one is where we use laser light in biology. Here we try to study changes in properties of light as it passes through layers of our body. A Fitbit is just an example (I did not work with this).
anon-40318 commented on :
Thank you so much.