An atom is made up of three small particles called subatomic particles which are protons, electrons and neutrons. In the middle of an atom is the nucleus which is made up of protons and neutrons and the electrons fly around the nucleus.
An atom is made of little particles named proton, electrons and neutrons, that are themselves composed of a variety of smaller particles called for example spins, bosons, quarks, …
The other scientists are on pointe when they say the atom has a nucleus at its centre that contains protons and neutrons, and electrons moving around them completely held together by a balance of charge. Each time one of these (proton, neutron and electron) change in number, the atom gets a different personality – it turns into an isotope or a new element.
There is a science world called Particle physics that can help us understand that there are more of these fundamental particles in the world, but only a few of them actually form atoms and ‘make up’ the things we see around us. The rest are a form of Force.