As far as I understand, no experiment can ever tell if multiple universes exist. So I think your question is more a question of belief than of knowledge. I don’t have an opinion on this one, my apologies.
Funny thing is that I watch a lot of Marvel. Hence, I almost wish it is true. It would be pretty incredible if it were! The reality is that there is no actual proof or way to confirm its existence yet. The progress is such that the discovery may seemingly come through a quantum entanglement study. Until then, it remains a hypothesis.
Vanessa commented on :
Funny thing is that I watch a lot of Marvel. Hence, I almost wish it is true. It would be pretty incredible if it were! The reality is that there is no actual proof or way to confirm its existence yet. The progress is such that the discovery may seemingly come through a quantum entanglement study. Until then, it remains a hypothesis.