All the time! Part of the fun of science is developing your research question and hypothesis then testing it. The surprising results are usually the most interesting.
Yes, for my PhD I was supposed to get rocks that were 300 million years old, turns out that they were bearing a much younger age around 35 million years
This happens a lot of the time and that is part of why I became a scientist. We like to discover the unknown. We set up a project with a certain idea in mind. And then we find something extra or different when we experiment.
YES! I had made a reaction that I thought I knew completely how and why it could go wrong. Then I had my student try it.. It was supposed to be orange but it turned red, then green, then blue and finally stopped at purple. I still have no idea why!!
In the end the results always made sense but they were not necessarily what I was expecting when I started the project, so it is important to look at results with an open mind and revise the picture that you have in your head while you progress. This said, the most surprising result I got was during my master project, probably also because I was still very naive back then.
Yes, all the time. You can try and guess what you think might happen but you never know what the result is going to be. Once I was trying to find a new antibiotic to kill bacteria and it wasn’t working. I decided to do one last experiment with different bacteria and it worked.