• Question: What age wore u when u developed a passion for science

    Asked by anon-39916 on 7 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Lyndsey Moore

      Lyndsey Moore answered on 7 Nov 2022:

      I was probably around 12 or 13 when I first became really interested in science, but I was 16 or 17 when I decided to pursue science as my career.

    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 7 Nov 2022:

      I think I was around 13 when I start to have my first real scientific experiment to do and I really like it.

    • Photo: Anna Desmond

      Anna Desmond answered on 7 Nov 2022:

      I was in 5th year (16/17 years old) when I developed a passion for science, particularly biology.

    • Photo: Ingmar Schoen

      Ingmar Schoen answered on 7 Nov 2022:

      Science subjects (physics, chemistry) were among my favourites in secondary school.
      One of my school teachers said: study what you are passionate about.
      An academic advisor said: don’t study physics but electrical engineering.
      I studied physics and never regretted it!
