Why ?
It’s a question that most of the time is hard to answer, because the truth is for most of the things we don’t know exactly, we will have a vague understanding of what happen but why it is happening like that, we don’t really know. There will be a lot of abstract science like math, physics or computer model on some phenomenon, but we will never be able to understand the complexity of natural phenomenon.
Science has branched out into so many fields to question the theory of everything.
But all roads lead to the Grand Unification Theory which is a model theory where the forces of nature are one. This is very complex and requires answers from all other science questions from all the different fields combined – mathematics, biology, physics, chemistry and more. I’d say, this is the biggest question in science. Each time there is a discovery, we move a step closer.
There is a saying that Every drop of water makes a mighty ocean. All scientists are on a quest and make a drop of contribution toward answering this big question.
Every science field has important questions. Only time will tell which of these had the biggest impact on the field. The question which field is more important than all others is up to personal preferences and cannot be answered in an unbiased way.
That’s a really great question- one that’s really got me thinking. I suppose I have to agree with Vincent- the most important question is why. As scientists it is our job to question everything.