• Question: who encouraged you to become a scientist

    Asked by anon-40011 on 21 Nov 2022.
    • Photo: Vincent Monchal

      Vincent Monchal answered on 21 Nov 2022: last edited 21 Nov 2022 12:57 pm

      I had a teacher at tertiary school that was really trying to motivate people into going to scientific carriers, she was really nice and encourage me to continue while other professors were telling me to drop after leaving cert and I could not succeed in college. Spoiler : I’m about to have a level 10 !

    • Photo: Lyndsey Moore

      Lyndsey Moore answered on 21 Nov 2022:

      My parents were very supportive of my pursuing my BSc, and both my parents and my boyfriend were even more supportive of me pursuing my PhD. Good support systems are essential!

    • Photo: Vanessa Rodrigues

      Vanessa Rodrigues answered on 23 Nov 2022:

      My professors from my Master’s degree project thought I would do very well in the research field based on how I performed in my project. I took their recommendations under advisement and made my career choice.

    • Photo: Anna Desmond

      Anna Desmond answered on 24 Nov 2022:

      My biology teacher in secondary school was really nice and would always encourage the class to learn. When she knew I really liked my biology class she encouraged me to study science in college.

    • Photo: Ingmar Schoen

      Ingmar Schoen answered on 25 Nov 2022:

      Some of my former supervisors and fellow scientists – and I am really grateful for their supportive words, they ment a lot to me.

    • Photo: Cristina Cuesta Marti

      Cristina Cuesta Marti answered on 30 Nov 2022:

      I had a biology teacher who wanted to be researcher but for personal reasons he couldn’t so he decided to be a teacher of Biology. You could tell that he was also passionate for science and this made me even like the the subject more and more.
