• Question: any proof that god existence

    Asked by 477bera39 to Triona, Shikha, Kevin, John, Colin on 15 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kevin Motherway

      Kevin Motherway answered on 15 Nov 2014:

      Faith is belief in things unseen. Whereas science is based on observation of facts, formulating a theory to explain it and then observing to see if data fits with your theory and revising your views or theory based on what you observe.

      The world of science and faith do not easily mix, as one is based on what you can observe and you don’t draw any more conclusion than you should; while the other is recorded as a definitive and unbreakable and unvarying truth often set down in scripture by a deity. Some faiths encourage skeptical questioning of faith while other do not tolerate any doubt whatsoever. Each to his own.

      Either way your existence is to be cherished whether it’s a fleeting time on this earth or you are certain that this is just an interlude in a wider plan. Try and leave the world a better place.

    • Photo: Shikha Sharma

      Shikha Sharma answered on 16 Nov 2014:

      Hi 477bera39,
      To me god is a meaningful faith. I have seen someone close to me who has undoubted faith on god. The faith gave her enormous mental strength to fight & survive most severe challenging stages of her life not just one time but many times. If this is what god does, he is doing phenomenal job.
      In larger philosophical scenario, god’s existence doesn’t need any proof. Since centuries, whatever beyond explanation of science and scientific evidence remains arena of god.

      Long back we used to think solar & lunar eclipse, natural calamities, even lighting in sky were caused by god until science gave proper explanation to those at much later stage. Even few decades ago human used to think universe is created by god, until science came out with big bang theory and provided mathematical & consequential evidence of big bang as creation of universe. Today science can’t explain what was there before big bang, hence mankind largely believe it was caused by god. I personally believe there is no point of looking for proof of god’s existence. As science keeps on explaining the mysteries of universe we will be reaching closure to god and knows what he does and how he does. Eventually we shall be able to know god in more detail. Hence, let’s leave god at his place and let him continue to do what he is doing. If people trust god for good cause, he will do good only.

      Let’s continue with science to solve the mysteries; let’s continue to use science to do good for mankind and other living creatures. A century back a great Indian philosopher & saint, Vivekananda, said “who serves life well serves god well”. He did many good things to our country.
