Research work is generally a team work. So one person can be the initiator of the whole research project but it’s generally completed by a team. There are more than 10 PhD scholars, 4 post doctorate including myself and my supervisor in my research group which indicates no isolation. 🙂 It has been my very good fortune to have been supervised by several good supervisors.
I think it is always better to work in team as you have the opportunity to learn from each other. Generally, a team environment boosts the confidence of individuals, allowing them to do their best work. The best thing about working in a team is you have support for difficult tasks and situations. That’s why we have the phrase “two heads are better than one.” 🙂
Nearly all of the scientists I know work in teams. There are over 15 people working in our research team and we work together a lot on various projects. In fact some of the large projects we have been involved in had more than 10 teams….around 70 scientists in total!
I could not do my job If I was working alone!
I work on my project, largely alone (I have the support of two bosses). I collaborate with others for some things, and I help others when they have problems. Until a new postgraduate joined the group last month, I was the only person based in my lab for nearly two years, but I was rarely alone (we supervise undergraduate and masters students for their research projects and also, people keep knocking in to my lab for advice or to say hi!).
I wouldn’t say I find it isolating, as I work on parts of my project with others and apart from that I’m inclined to go for a walk around the deparment just to say hello to people and see what they’re up to. Also, I like working in a quiet space, when there’s others around I will chat with them and get less work done…
Roz commented on :
thanks for the reply , i like working in teams i wouldnt like to work on my own