The credit for internet cannot go to one person. Rather it was the work of dozens of pioneering scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies that eventually merged to become the “internet” we know today. In 1961, the initial idea is credited as being Leonard Kleinrock’s. Vinton Cerf and Robert Kahn are the two key people in internet development. The first workable prototype of the Internet was launched in the late 1960s with the creation of ARPANET( the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). It was originally funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. A commercial version of ARPANET known as Telenet is introduced in 1974 and considered to be the first Internet Service Provider (ISP).
In 1991, Tim Berners-Lee introduces World Wide Web (WWW) to the public. There is a list of other people who contributed for the internet.