Supported by SFI Discover Programme
Questions Answered by Triona
Can you ride a bike in space?
by paulmooncatsmyth to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Hello, I was wondering what features a plant that has been growing in space (gravity free environment) would have
by Harald.T to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Does marijuana have a bad effect on you?
by Jamie to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Is it possible to sneeze with your eyes open?
by aileenjcat to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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What advice would you give to a student who wants to become a scientist?
by Abi to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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How does a plane take off and fly?
by aileenjcat and 1 other. to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Why can’t scientist prove existential
by EllenL to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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if you won the nobel prize what is the first thing you would do
by 374bera39 to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Do you think there will be a cure for aids?
by 449bera46 and 1 other. to Colin, John, Kevin, Shikha, Triona
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Whats at the bottom of the ocean?
by 328bera46 and 1 other. to Triona, Shikha, Kevin, John, Colin
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