• Question: Apparently a type of drug can protect you from Ebola. Is this true?

    Asked by Emma The Penguin Lover to Áine, Ciarán, Eoin, Lydia, Victoria on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 11 Nov 2014:


      at the moments there are no drugs that can protect you from Ebola. But scientists all over the world are now trying to develop drugs to deal with Ebola. The drugs they are developing will stop Ebola virus from replicating and prevent the damage the virus is causing. They are also working on getting a vaccine ready.

      Scientists are working on the prototypes of the drugs and vaccines and are hoping to get them approved by next year, but before that they need to show that they work and are safe.

      In the meantime all doctors can do is to care for those who have Ebola: by giving them rehydration solution (salt and water).

    • Photo: Ciarán O'Brien

      Ciarán O'Brien answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      It’s not true I’m afraid. Scientists are working on a vaccine, but developing vaccines takes a lot of time. Right now there’s nothing that can protect you from ebola besides a completely airtight hazmat suit like one of these:
