• Question: Are zombies real?

    Asked by Emma The Penguin Lover to Áine, Ciarán, Eoin, Lydia, Victoria on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Hi Emma,

      If a zombie is something or someone that has died and is alive again then probably not!
      I once put some crabs in a -20C freezer for over 24 hours! – When I took them out two days later they were still alive! Got massively frightened because I thought they were zombies! Turns out they are just really hardy beasts that can withstand a lot!
      And there are other strange things going on in the world that are a bit like zombies! Some parasites for example can control the mind of their hosts (animals they infect).. Check this video out:


    • Photo: Ciarán O'Brien

      Ciarán O'Brien answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Yes, for a given definition of “zombie” 🙂

      Dead people don’t come back to life to eat your brains, so that kind of zombie is out. It just doesn’t happen.

      As Lydia says, there are parasites that can do weird things to their host’s brain. I know from my own research that the bacteria in your gut can affect your brain too, although none of them are likely to turn you into a shambling corpse, ever hungry for the warm, sweet flesh of the living…

      In countries where voodoo is a popular religion, zombie rumors are common, and there are people who claim to be able to raise the dead. But scientists have looked into these before, and found that the “zombies” weren’t dead: they’d actually been drugged and buried alive for a while, and the lack of air in the coffin along with the drugs caused brain damage that made the poor victim very easily ordered about. You might even be able to order them to kill someone and eat their brain!
