• Question: do any insects have bones?

    Asked by SsaraHh to Lydia on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Hi SsaraHh,

      good question about insects! So we have bones inside our body, making up our skeleton. That’s called an endoskeleton. Endo means ‘inside the body’.
      Insects don’t have bones or a skeleton inside the body like we do! Instead they have an exoskeleton! Exo means ‘outer’, so instead of a skeleton inside, they have one around their body! That skeleton protects them from predators or drying out, but also helps them sensing their environment, feeding and moving around!

      Turtles have an endoskeleton (their bones) AND an exoskeleton (their shell)!
