• Question: do you think we could have a zombie apocalypse as in are there enough deseases

    Asked by 534brna45 to Lydia on 20 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 20 Nov 2014:


      you’re right diseases have been in the media a lot: Ebola, Malaria or avian flu.
      Strictly speaking zombies are dead people who are raised from dead after a disease or by witchcraft. If I was super accurate I don’t think there will be any un-dead running around trying to kill the normal living people.

      But the threat of diseases which become world wide epidemics is there. This is something governments try hard to deal with (how do we make sure that the disease doesn’t reach Ireland for example, what precautions can we take) and many large organisations try and contain, cure and deal with in the countries where they occur.
      Of course as we speak scientists are working hard to also find new or better drugs or vaccines to fight diseases, like it is the case for Ebola now.

      Mind you, I once put some crabs in a -20C freezer for over 24 hours! – When I took them out two days later they were still alive! Got massively frightened because I thought they were zombies! Turns out they are just really hardy beasts that can withstand a lot!
      And there are other strange things going on in the world that are a bit like zombies! Some parasites for example can control the mind of their hosts (animals they infect).. Check this video out:
