• Question: @Lydia Where will the next Earth be or home planet be if we run into trouble on this planet

    Asked by Pluto108 to Lydia on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Lydia Bach

      Lydia Bach answered on 14 Nov 2014:


      that’s a big question. Right now we don’t know where any new home planet would be. Maybe Mars, if we could create an atmosphere and get plants to grow there, we need to get people there first though.
      There is also Europa, a moon of the planet Jupiter. We know it has an atmosphere and maybe water in the form of ice. But developing the technology to to there will take years.
      Personally I don’t think that looking out of our solar system to find a suitable planet is a good idea. It’s all way too far, travelling there would take too long.

      I think we need to develop the technology to advance space travel, but at the same time we must make sure we don’t forget about the planet we have here and deal with the environmental problems we have.
