• Question: Why are some people disabled

    Asked by Einstein123jnr to Áine, Ciarán, Eoin, Lydia, Victoria on 7 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Ciarán O'Brien

      Ciarán O'Brien answered on 7 Nov 2014:

      There are lots of reasons. Not everyone with a disability is born with it. Someone in an accident could lose an arm, or a hard enough knock to the head could cause your brain to work differently to how it did before. Exposure to certain chemicals can do the same to an otherwise healthy person, causing brain damage or harm to limbs and organs that lead to problems in day to day life.

      Some folks develop problems in the womb, again for a whole load of reasons. Genetic mutation might cause an embryo’s growth to go down a path it wouldn’t normally. That mutation could have been because the embryo was exposed to radiation or chemicals as it developed, or it could be a disability the parents had and it got passed on through their genes. It might have come out of nowhere because the machines and systems that make up living things aren’t perfect and sometimes they just don’t do what they’re supposed to. That can happen in adults too, which is one of the causes of cancer.

      Just remember is that with or without a disability, everyone’s equally deserving of respect.

    • Photo: Áine Broderick

      Áine Broderick answered on 9 Nov 2014:

      I completely agree with Ciarán! Coming from my own background, people who are exposed to certain chemicals over a period of time, can develop diseases that restricts what they can do.

    • Photo: Victoria Simms

      Victoria Simms answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      There are many reasons for this just like there are many different types of disabilities! Just as Ciaran and Aine have said some chemicals can influence children’s development. Also when some children are born they may hurt their heads, this may lead to that child thinking, feeling or moving differently to other children. This is an area that I research. There are some “disorders” that are due to genetic differences, like Down Syndrome. And some disorders that we really are still trying to understand, like Autism. But most important of all is that we are all different, some people are tall, some people have light hair, some people find it difficult to learn, some people find making friends really hard, these differences are what make us all interesting! We should respect everyone because we are all different.
