I’ve enjoyed working with computers since I was about 5 years old, so I pretty much always had an interest in working with computers.
My field of study is broadly called Digital Humanities, which is computer science applied to history, cultural heritage etc.
I specifically study Natural Language Processing, which is the study of how computers work with human language.
I also need to keep an eye on progress in Knowledge Engineering which is the study of how computers model and store data, as well as Information Retrieval, which is the study of how computers find information in relation to an information need (basically Google).
I didn’t deliberately choose this field. When I started working in my research group I was involved in a Digital Humanities project that I thought was pretty interesting. After my contract ended my supervisor asked me if I would like to do a PhD and keep learning about the area. I said yes, decided to focus on Entity Linking as problem and gradually slipped into the fields of study where I now work.