Current computers are based on mathematical operations with binary numbers. Binary numbers are like normal numbers but instead of having 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 you have only 0 and 1.
Quantum computers, although it may sound strange, can represent digits as 0s, as 1s but also as both. So, one thing can be 0, 1 or both. Which makes them able to solve some really complicated problems that normal computers can’t or are very slow in dealing with. They are super good for solving coding and decoding problems.
Normal computers use electrical current to do computations. Photon computers use light instead. Electricity flows 10 times slower than light. Which makes photon computers much faster.
These are very new and special technologies that don’t exist in our every day lives… but maybe some day will be used by everybody.
voldemaud is great commented on :