
Sinead Balgobin
I've had such a great time chatting with you guys, thanks for joining in and thanks for the brilliant questions!
The University of Manchester
MChem Chemistry with Industrial Experience
Work History:
The University of Manchester, Pfizer
Current Job:
PhD Student in Chemistry
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I’m a PhD student, which means I work at a university doing research with a Professor. There can be very long hours, and the work can be very difficult (it’s hard to get new reactions to work!)- but at the end of the day, I’m basically still in school so it’s not too bad!
I am trying to make new reactions: new ways to make molecules that we need for medicine, or materials, or completely new molecules that we have no idea as to what they do! (Glowing IN THE LIGHT? Unexpected). I use special compounds called “catalysts” which help reactions to go faster, or make the specific change I want, without being used up or interfering with my desired product.
My Typical Day
1) Sleep in. Panic. 2) Get into work, set up a bunch of reactions. 3) Figure out if they worked. 4) Did they work? Yes = Pub. No = Pub.
What I'd do with the prize money
YouTube. Podcasts. Taylor Swift parodies? (Bad… Bunsen? Beaker? Biochemistry? No, maybe not, I’m terrible at this.)
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Definitely Paying Attention
What did you want to be after you left school?
A scientist or a spy. I am way too loud and clumsy to be a spy.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Why, who told you? I mean, nope.
Who is your favourite singer or band?
What's your favourite food?
PIZZA. It’s just so versatile…
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Playing pranks on/with my labmates ranks high. Pretty sure there are still jumpers in the ceiling.
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
1) Win a Nobel Prize. Not specifically in chemistry, any category will do. Is there one for exceptional use of Tumblr? 2) Have enough money to travel the world (as a huge nerd, I must visit Hobbiton before I die). 3) Hang out with Jennifer Lawrence and/or Amy Poehler.
Tell us a joke.
What did the cheese say when it looked in the mirror? Looking Gouda ;)