• Question: how does the tap water get intendant and how to you fix it

    Asked by item42day to Sudhin, Katie on 13 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Katie Fala

      Katie Fala answered on 13 Nov 2019:

      Hi item42day, thanks for your question. Do you mean how tap water gets contaminated with microorganisms, as happened recently in Dublin/Kildare? In this case, it is probably happening because the water treatment plants in Ireland are quite old and haven’t been upgraded/expanded to deal with increasing demand as the population increases. Some of them don’t use more advanced technologies like tertiary treatment or UV light which have been shown to be the most effective at killing bacteria, parasites and viruses. Then when there is extra water coming into the plant, such as when it rains for days on end and there is flooding, the plant can’t cope and then we can’t be sure that the water is free from microbes, so boil notices have to be issued. Hope that answers your question!
