
Shane Mcdonagh
I went to national school in Castleplunkett N.S, Co. Roscommon from 1995 - 2003. Then to the C.B.S, Roscommon town until 2010. And after that I went to college in the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) for 5 years graduating in 2016.
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical), Masters of Engineering (Energy Systems), both from NUIG.
Work History:
Shops, hotels, a car garage, farming, construction, teaching, anyway I could earn money I would give it a go!
Current Job:
PhD Student
About Me
I'm a PhD student and energy engineer from Roscommon but living in Cork, and a proper nerd at heart. I love and play a lot of sports, go out with my friends, travel a lot, and love the craic!
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Here are a few pictures of the things I like to do during my spare time!
I’ve been to places like the USA, Mexico, Germany, Ukraine, Spain, Serbia, The Netherlands, and lots others on holidays, for work, or to go to music festivals.
I really enjoy motorcross, sailing, mountaineering, and like I said I play a lot of sport.
I also hang out with my friends and family as much as I can….
Anything to do with fast or big machines and I’m there! -
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As part of my work I also have to give presentations to other researchers, business people, and even politicians, to help them learn about renewable energy. This way we hope to move Ireland toward a clean future as soon as possible.
I make diagrams like this one so that people can better understand my work.
My Typical Day
Sit at my desk, read all about the subject I'm working on, find out the questions that need to be answered, and figure out how I can contribute. This can be working on problems down in the laboratory or working them out on the computer.
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Arrive between 9 and 10am, work on my laptop until about 12, go to the gym then come back and have lunch for about an hour, I tend to do lab work in the afternoon or continue working on the mathematical models/problems on my computer. I also read other people’s work a lot so I can keep up with the latest research. My day ends between 5 and 7pm but I really enjoy what I do so it doesn’t seem late.
What I'd do with the prize money
I'd love the opportunity to develop and give an interactive presentation about why we know climate change is real, and what we can do to stop it. Sometimes the science can be really difficult to understand or the effects hard to recognise, and I think that's why people aren't acting. Rather than give out to people for not knowing we should help them to understand.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Always good craic!
What did you want to be after you left school?
I wanted to be an engineer who helped the Gardaí to work out how accidents happened or solve crimes.
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Yes, I talked a lot in class especially when I got bored, but nothing too serious. I actually liked school!
Who is your favourite singer or band?
I genuinely love all kinds of Music but listening to "The Prodigy" always picks me up....
What's your favourite food?
Fajitas.... or the Christmas ham
What is the most fun thing you've done?
I lived in San Francisco for 5 months and got to travel the USA when I finished college.... unbelievable fun!
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
A massive garage with every kind of tool and machine for me to work on, to always be healthy and happy, and the Euromillions jackpot!
Tell us a joke.
How do NASA organise a party?... They planet
Work photos:
Below are some pictures of the building I work in and the university that it’s a part of!