• Question: do you ever think what your pet [or friends pet] is thinking

    Asked by Drama Queen 👸 to Jasmine, William on 6 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Jasmine

      Jasmine answered on 6 Nov 2018: last edited 6 Nov 2018 10:10 am

      Dr. Jill Sackman, a clinician in behavioural medicine who is more qualified than I am to answer your question, says that they probably have the level of cognition of a three to five-year-old human.

      Dogs can tell we’re trying to show them something when we point at an object. They can evaluate whether one dog bowl has more dog food than another. They respond to familiar voices and are excellent at determining whether someone is friend or foe.

      Many dog owners will say it’s the dog who has them trained to be fed and let out at the same time every day.

      Obviously, something is going on in their furry heads. They’re capable of making associations and reacting to stimuli. But what they think about, and how they interpret the information, is still a mystery.

    • Photo: William

      William answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      Always, sure everyone has had a full conversation with their pet at some point… or is that weird? 😀 I can tell when they are happy, sad , excited or tired but i would live to be able to hear what they are thinking !
