0 Question: have you ever been stung by a jellyfish or any other cind of fish Keywords: animal, jellyfish, sting Asked by 646envp24 to Jasmine on 8 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by 648envp24, SeanClause07, Orla208, Little Flower, Kate, Luke, Caoimhe, Thinh Ann.
Jasmine answered on 8 Nov 2018:
Yes, I’ve been stung by lots of jellyfish. It wasn’t too painful though. Sometimes it just felt like an itch and at the very worst it felt like a nettle sting.
Orla208 commented on 14 Nov 2018:
Wow I thought it would hurt much much more !
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Orla208 commented on :
Wow I thought it would hurt much much more !