• Question: Have you ever got stung by a honeybee? Or do they not sting.

    Asked by oreowalsh7 to Chinna, Roberto on 6 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by 279envp37.
    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 6 Nov 2018:


      Honeybees sting, but only if they are forced to do it. When they sting they die because their stinger gets stuck into the skin of the victim. For this reason, they need to have a very good reason to sting, and normally the only reason is to defend their nest from predators or treats.
      So said, as a beekeeper being stung is part of the “game”. Normally, the bees are a very quiet animal and if you manage them gently enough, they do not have reason to sting me. But you know, anyone can have a bad day! So the honeybees do.

      I cannot count anymore the time I got stung, possibly more the hundred in the last two years. At the begin, it was really painful but by the time passed I got used to it. Now neither I got swollen or feel much pain anymore. This it does not mean I like to be stung!
