• Question: Hi there, has anything about your job been dangours:-( :-( :-(

    Asked by #fluffy#puppy# to Jasmine on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Jasmine

      Jasmine answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Yes, jellyfish are Ireland’s most dangerous animals. I have been stung a few times but not very bad. If I was stung over my entire body by a jellyfish like the Lion’s Mane then I could be in serious danger. It’s very easy to protect yourself from being stung though. I always wear thick heavy-duty rubber gloves, plastic safety goggles and a lab coat. When I’m in the water I wear a wetsuit which covers my arms and legs. Sometimes jellyfish tentacles fall off and get stuck to my wetsuit. When I’m taking off my wetsuit and I’m not wearing gloves this is when I get stung. Not all science is dangerous though and there are lots of ways to protect yourself from getting hurt.
