• Question: how do worms make compost

    Asked by cheekyhammond cheekyhenry to William, Roberto, Karen, Jasmine, Chinna on 14 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Chinna

      Chinna answered on 14 Nov 2018:

      After the food has been eaten by warms, it travels to their intestine. The intestine takes up most of the length of the worm. This is where nutrients are absorbed. At the end of the worm is the anus. Dark, earthy material called “worm castings” are excreted. Worm castings are alive with soil-friendly bacteria and valuable nutrients. Additionally, their shape allows for increased circulation of air and water — this is called “porosity.” Adding worm castings to soil increases its porosity and nutrient content. Plants grow stronger in the soil like this.
