• Question: How long do you think honeybees will last?

    Asked by oreowalsh7 to Roberto on 6 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 6 Nov 2018:

      There are many honeybee species on Earth and not all of them are endangered by the burden of the extinction.
      So, honeybee hopefully will be never wiped out from Earth, also considering that they are present on this planet since in between 4 and 6 million years and they were able to adapt to a multitude of different treats during their evolution. They will possibly do the same now.

      The point that really worries the bee scientific community is: how many honeybees have to die before this will happen? If lots of honeybees will die before resolving this crisis, well then this loss will have a huge impact on the economy of our developed countries, since most of the vegetable and fruit productions depend on bees pollination service.
