It can do a lot as the litter can harm animals if they consume it and some wont break down for many many years. Its good to recycle but its best to reduce how much packaging we use and try go for more environmentally friendly materials. An example of this would be paper straws instead of plastic ones, or even better using a metal straw which you can use again and again
During my work I spend a lot of time taking litter out of the river. One of the most damaging things I see is dangerous chemicals getting into the water, like oils and paints, and affecting the river, damaging plants and animals. I have taken out car batteries, a chip frier, a microwave and lots of razors and rusty tins. Litter can damage plants and animals, but it’s also dangerous for humans to drink water with litter in it, to be around rivers/land with litter as it can cause cuts and illnesses. The best thing is to recycle as much as we can, and put other things in centers where they can be taken care of properly đŸ™‚