• Question: If you weren't a scientist what do you think you'd be doing right now?Do you think you would enjoy it as much as what you do now?

    Asked by Little Flower to Karen, Jasmine, William, Roberto, Chinna on 9 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by L.B_1107, 545envp24, Ak_2907, D h-man99⚽️, Unicorn2007, Emily2018.
    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      I think about this a lot! Sometimes I think I would be a science teacher, because I really do like talking about science, and showing people experiments 🙂 I’ve always wanted to open a café too! I think I would enjoy both those things as much as what I do now, because I’d get to try something new every day, and I might still do them in the future 🙂

    • Photo: William

      William answered on 11 Nov 2018:

      Good question. I have always loved science and if I didn’t do science I might of done law 🙂 I would not enjoy it as much my current job
