• Question: is it true that honeybees kill more people every year than poisonous

    Asked by Thomasthetankengine to Roberto on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Roberto

      Roberto answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      No, I am not aware of this statistic. To be fair I strongly doubt about it.
      Every time a honeybee stings she died because her stinger gets stuck into the victim skin, therefore before sting you, she needs to think twice. It is very unlikely that a honeybee stings you if you are not first attacking her or trying to attack her nest.

      Moreover, their venom (when they sting they release a small amount of venom) it is not lethal to humans unless someone it is allergic to it.

      I have been stung by honeybees already more than hundreds of times, and I am still pretty fine đŸ™‚
