• Question: What is the easiest part of your job?

    Asked by Hazel1597 to William, Roberto, Karen, Jasmine, Chinna on 7 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: Karen

      Karen answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      The easiest thing I do is something called a river habitat survey. I did some classes on it that showed me how to do it! I walk along the river and write down what the trees by the river are like, and how the water is flowing. It’s great because it’s gives me loads of information about the river but it’s not as difficult as using my other equipment. I also find talking to other people about my work easy sometimes, because people are usually interested in finding out more đŸ™‚

    • Photo: William

      William answered on 7 Nov 2018:

      Making power points for presentations as I enjoy it and i find it quite relaxing đŸ™‚
