0 Question: What is the hardest part of your job? Keywords: job Asked by Hazel1597 to William, Roberto, Karen, Jasmine, Chinna on 7 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by FR, Orla208.
William answered on 7 Nov 2018:
Realizing that not everything works how i think it will and changing how i think about things
Karen answered on 7 Nov 2018:
Working in rivers where there’s a lot of water and rain, I spend a lot of time making sure that all my scientific equipment is installed properly, sometimes my equipment gets washed away and I have to try find it, it’s a challenge!
Hazel1597 commented on 9 Nov 2018:
Thanks for answering my question
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Orla208 commented on 12 Nov 2018:
Thank you for answering my question.
Hazel1597 commented on :
Thanks for answering my question
Orla208 commented on :
Thank you for answering my question.