• Question: What is the max amount of tentacles on a jellyfish

    Asked by Thomasthetankengine to Jasmine on 9 Nov 2018. This question was also asked by SquishyMuffins.
    • Photo: Jasmine

      Jasmine answered on 9 Nov 2018:

      It depends on the species. For example, box jellyfish have four tentacles. Their bell is box shaped (hence their name) and they have one tentacle on each corner of their bell. Compass jellyfish have eight groups of three tentacles, so 24 in total. Lion’s mane jellyfish have hundreds of tentacles! They are also known as hair jellyfish because they have so many very fine tentacles that it looks like they have hair. I think Lion’s mane is the type of jellyfish that has the most tentacles.
