• Question: when i look up at the stars at night,i see many constellations of stars.they are always in the same place.If the earth is rotating around the sun,shouldnt i see different constellations as the earth makes its way around the sun?Or are the constellations that i see also rotating around the sun?

    Asked by daisy147 to William, Roberto, Karen, Jasmine, Chinna on 8 Nov 2018.
    • Photo: William

      William answered on 8 Nov 2018:

      Very good question đŸ™‚
      Throughout the year the constellations will change as we rotate around the sun, each day a few new stars to the east are visible that were not visible the day before đŸ™‚ The stars you see are dependent on where you live, on the north pole you will see stars from the north celestial pole can be seen year round in the northern hemisphere. on the equator the stars are very different and as we rotate around the sun some stars are on the other side of the sun to us so we cant see them đŸ™‚ These are the ones that change. On the equator the stars change the most and at the poles they dont change at all, since we live between these two we have a mix of some stars always being there and some stars changing throughout the year
