• Question: can you hold a black weadow

    Asked by Gabe the the penguin to Michel on 13 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Michel Dugon

      Michel Dugon answered on 13 Nov 2014:

      It’s not advisable! Black widow tend to be shy spiders, and most of the time, they avoid leaving their (very solid) web. They don’t like light either, so they tend to hide in dark places.

      A bite from a black widow is rarely deadly, and in fact nobody has died from its bite in Australia for many, many, many years. There is also a very good antivenom available.

      However, handling a black widow means that you could get bitten if you disturb the spider a bit too much. Even though you won’t die, it’s going to be really, really painful!

      I have two of them, and personally, I never handle them…
