• Question: did you enjoy science in secondary school?

    Asked by 522evoa26 to Anthea, Chloe, Kevin, Michel, Sean on 10 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Anthea Lacchia

      Anthea Lacchia answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Yes, even though within science there were subjects I preferred and others I didn’t really like. I loved maths, mainly because I had a great teacher!

    • Photo: Michel Dugon

      Michel Dugon answered on 10 Nov 2014:

      Well, I really loved biology, I managed chemistry, I was trying to keep my head out in physics, and I was a beached whale in maths… so much so that my math teachers advised me to quit sciences all together to concentrate on literature, history and languages. If only she could see me now…

    • Photo: Kevin Healy

      Kevin Healy answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I loved science in school especially biology and physics. I did chemistry for a while but swapped to do art because I think its important not to focus too much on one area (altough I would do any subject over languages!)

    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      I found chemistry quite hard, and failed it in my leaving cert mocks! Through hard work and a bit of group work with classmate I pulled myself together and got a B in the leaving cert. But I really enjoyed biology, it was my favourite subject. My teacher was pretty cool and she gave us plants to bring home, brought us on field trips to the beach and she always had loads of animals in the lab like insects and fish. I thought it was a much more hands on and interesting compared to something like business class.
