• Question: Is time travel possible?

    Asked by 466evoa39 to Anthea, Chloe, Kevin, Michel, Sean on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kevin Healy

      Kevin Healy answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      Yes your doing it right now (time travaling into the future that is). Travaling into the future is possible because general relativity shows that time and space are interlinked (as a biologist this is clearly outside my field so I wont try go into the details!). This means if you travel close to the speed of light time will move more slowly for you in comparison to someone on earth. You could also do something like orbit a black hole or very dense object which will bend space-time such a way that time slows down for you.

      However traveling back in time seems very unlikley as far as I know, Iv read that if we could create something like a worm hole (a way of jumping between two places in space) they could be set up so you could go back to when the worm hole was created (but not further back).
