• Question: what was it like studing zoology?

    Asked by 454evoa26 to Chloe on 14 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 14 Nov 2014:

      When I went to university, I chose to study a degree in science. This is a four year course. For the first two years I had to study general science like classes in biology, chemistry and physics. In the final two years you pick an area to specialise in. This could be biochemistry, or geology, but I chose zoology and botany.

      I really enjoyed zoology! Some examples of classes I took are animal behaviour, diversity of invertebrates (animals without a backbone), diversity of vertebrates (animals with a backbone), animal form and function, and wildlife conservation. Over these two years we went on field trips to the sea, forests, lakes, the natural history museum and the zoo. We studied the bodies of animals like fish, frogs, worms, insects and the skeletons of loads of mammals. We watched videos and observed chimpanzee behaviour, studied competition between limpets on the shoreline and discovered how animals evolved. In the final year we had to carry out a project and we could decide which lecturer we wanted to work with. I chose a marine biology lecturer and for my project I got to snorkel in the sea working with crabs.

      If you like animals and enjoy biology in school then you would like zoology 🙂
