• Question: why do like animals?

    Asked by Niamh0911 to Chloe on 7 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 7 Nov 2014:

      My dog Minnie is the cutest little thing in the world. She’s always playful, always wants to cuddle and never gives out. She puts me and the rest of my family in a good mood everyday. Growing up, all my pets made me feel like this. I loved coming home from school to play with them. When I got older, I still got the same feeling of happiness and wonder when I saw animals in the wild. Walking to work I might see a squirrel run up a tree, or chaffinches eating from the bird table, or a seal pop his head out of the sea. I would always imagine what the animals are thinking, what they will do next and what the world looks like through their eyes. I find animals amazing, and because they are all so different I feel there are endless things to learn about them.
