• Question: why is evolutionary 'just-so' story telling tolerated?

    Asked by hazel to Kevin on 12 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Kevin Healy

      Kevin Healy answered on 12 Nov 2014:

      While just so stories seem to be tolorated for a while they are eventual weeded out, at least within science. For example one of the more annoying ones for me is that mammals rose up after dinosuars went extinct despite the fact we know mamals were around and even very common during the dinosaurs. While this idea was common in the 90’s most scientists now (not all though theres always a few grumpy ones) dont go along with it because the evidence simply doesnt support it with lots of mammal fossils during the time.
      However in the media and because we are all human and like stories the nicer story of mammals rising up after the horrible rule of the dinosuars eventual leading to us is an easier sell.
      In sort just so stories eventual do die out if they dont have evidence to support them however our humans nature can sometimes make this a slower proccess then it needs to be.
