• Question: you seem to love pets alot i do to why do you have such a big interest?

    Asked by eoconnell to Chloe on 11 Nov 2014.
    • Photo: Chloe Kinsella

      Chloe Kinsella answered on 11 Nov 2014:

      When I arrive home my dog barks and jumps up on me and wags her tail. She is probably saying “Hello I missed you! I’m happy to see you!”. But there are other times when I don’t really know what she is trying to tell me. My whole life I always imagined what my pets are trying to say to me. This inspired me to study animals and find out more about their world and their behaviour. I often try to think of the world through an animals eyes. For example how do lions in a zoo feel about being locked in a pen? Or how well can a crab see me when I am standing over a rock pool? Or is the appetite of a starfish affected by dirty water running into his rockpool? I am a curious person and I like to ask questions. In my job, as a scientist, I try to answer these questions.
