I think so seeing as we are so keen on developing AI in modern society, but I do have concerns about it, as there will be a point where they start to think for themselves, and that could open a whole can of worms, ‘why are we supposed to serve you’ etc. There’s been so many science-fiction films which focus on that eventuality. Hopefully it doesn’t happen though.
They recently managed to get two computers talking to each other, but then had to shut them down as they got to a point where we couldn’t understand what they were saying!! Eek!
I am not sure- we can create very advanced robots, that can mimic human behaviour, but I don’t think we could make properly emotional robots, or artificial intelligence until we fully understand our own brain and consciousness, which we don’t yet! Robots are getting better and better at learning patterns and remembering things, even to the extent of disrupting the internet, but I think it will be a long time before we surpass that level of intelligence.