• Question: How can you get HIV?

    Asked by 255furk43 to Chris, Joanne, Kathryn, Kieran, Sarah on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Kathryn Schoenrock

      Kathryn Schoenrock answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      HIV is a retrovirus- you get it from body fluids like blood, but only when they come in contact with an open wound or otherwise. I think early on a lot of people thought you would get it from just touching someone who was HIV positive but saliva and sweat are not known to transfer the retrovirus at all.

    • Photo: Chris Werner

      Chris Werner answered on 9 Nov 2017:

      Couldn’t have put it much better myself! HIV cannot survive outside the body. It cannot be spread through the air, from touching, or from objects like with the cold and flu
