That there are always new things to discover, and every single day is different. I have to think scientifically, but it’s also very important to be creative and think outside the box, and come up with new ideas to try.
My favorite part is definitely being underwater- today we were counting kelp and we saw a marine snail attack and start eating a small shrimp… many more snails came running to the feast! That part of my job is so cool!
My favourite part of my job is solving problems. I get great satisfaction of after being stuck on something to then figure it out. True its frustrating at times when you get stuck, but the sensation and elation when you figure it out…its a great feeling, and it gives you such confidence!
I have to grow crystals for my job, and I have to wait up to week to see if the crystals have grown. My absolute favourite part of my job is going into the lab after a week and seeing that I’ve made something completely unique and awesome looking from mixing powders and liquids together.
Right now it’s talking to my computer and have it say intelligent things back to me! I’m building a program that manages my mobile notifications so that I don’t see them all at once, I only see what is most important – but I needed a way to control this, so I coded in a way for my computer to speak to me and tell me what mobile notifications are most important and why. It’s so funny in the lab because everyone’s working around me and I’m there chatting away with my computer. We kind of got into an argument last week as well over a whatsapp message that ‘NAbs’ (the name I gave my program) thought was important.. I disagreed. So we’re not talking right now – hopefully we’ll be friends again by the end of the week though 😀