• Question: What type of element is ur favourite?

    Asked by 268furk22 to Chris, Joanne, Kathryn, Kieran, Sarah on 7 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Kathryn Schoenrock

      Kathryn Schoenrock answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      I’ve always been a fan of iron because Fe also stands for ‘fair enough’!

    • Photo: Sarah Guerin

      Sarah Guerin answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      I’m going to say Carbon! Carbon is a part of all living things, and has lots of different forms, such as graphite in pencils or graphene in electronics.

    • Photo: Joanne Duffy

      Joanne Duffy answered on 7 Nov 2017:

      I love radium and polonium, because they were discovered by one of my favourite scientists, Marie Curie

    • Photo: Chris Werner

      Chris Werner answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      Wow, something I’ve never really thought about till now. I’ll split this into two.

      Firstly the alkali metals, as they go nuts when you put them in water and its really fun to watch đŸ˜€ !

      More seriously though the CHNOPS group. Its not a group like alkali, noble gases etc but an acronym standing for hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, sulphur, the six most important chemical elements whose covalent combinations make up most biological molecules on Earth.

      Without them nothing we know would exist. Also we wouldn’t know about it as we wouldn’t exist either! Oxygen is a really important one though. If Earth had no oxygen the crust would crumble as oxygen makes up most of the rocks in the crust and oceans would disappear as oxygen makes up water. And that’s just a start!

    • Photo: Kieran Fraser

      Kieran Fraser answered on 10 Nov 2017:

      I don’t like picking favorites but I’m going to say Helium – it’s literally the coolest element! it only forms at -269 degrees Celsius! plus, it makes you talk funny!
