• Question: how much methane does a cow produce a year?

    Asked by BlipBlopBlipBlopBlipBlop to Katie on 11 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Katie Starsmore

      Katie Starsmore answered on 11 Nov 2019:

      That’s a tough one! There is still a lot of research going on about this! And it depends if the cow lives indoors all year round or outdoors grazing! For example in America and most of Europe cows stay indoors every day of the year. Where as in Ireland cows stay outside for most of the year and only go inside for winter. And in New Zealand cows stay outside every day of the year!

      And because cows will have different stuff to eat when they are outside compared to inside their methane will change a lot! So its very hard to put a number on your question at the moment without more research sorry.
