• Question: im gluten free and I'm wondering how people become intolerant to things.Im also wondering what would be a good brand or substitute for gluten free food

    Asked by five44bat to Aoife on 15 Nov 2019.
    • Photo: Aoife McHugh

      Aoife McHugh answered on 15 Nov 2019: last edited 15 Nov 2019 3:36 pm

      There are a number of reasons, and usually it is just down to bad luck.
      Coeliac disease is when our immune system thinks gluten in food is a foreign invader and it thinks it is bad, and overreacts. This can happen for many different reasons, it can be genetic, it can be triggered by an illness when our immune systems are already working hard and reacting to an actual threat, it can also be triggered by stress, it is usually just bad luck. It can be diagnosed by a blood test in the doctors.
      If those with coeliac disease eat gluten it can cause long term damage in their intestines and can inhibit absorption of nutrients. Gluten intolerance/wheat intolerance has similar symptoms to coeliac disease, but it there is not as much long term damage. Neither are nice to have. I am sorry to hear if you have them.
      I am not sure of brands, but by law any foods that contain gluten or wheat must be clearly labelled, so that they are easily identifiable and can be avoided. There have been lots of new gluten free foods developed lately, and there are always more coming on the market.
